Prince George Citizen Readers Choice 2024
Recovering addicts find a landing pad with DART work crew
Ex-addict says abstinence treatment works
D.A.R.T. inaugural Bob Scott award

PRINCE GEORGE – Drug Awareness Recovery Team (D.A.R.T) is a drug recovery program created by Bob Scott, a recovering addict. Healy is known for her on-the-ground support for community groups in Prince George.
Dart Program Celebrates 20 Years

PRINCE GEORGE – DART is one of the largest yard maintenance organizations in the city. This year it celebrates 20 years in the city. The organization continues to employ people recovering from drug and alcohol addictions.
DART marks 10 years of helping others

Bob Scott threw a dart into the universe. It is still right on the mark, here on the 10th anniversary of Scott’s passing. This award-winning social advocate was prodded into action by the pointy tip of another sharp lance.